
A wedding cake I made Summer, 2009.

Friday, June 11, 2010

In Honor and Praise of Mothers

Last year I purchased a wonderful book entitled "Errand of Angels: In Honor and Praise of Mothers". Elegant paintings of mothers and children paired with insights and quotes from various authors fill its pages. I was leafing through it this morning and read this gem of thought:

" Don't get so involved in the duties of your life and your children that you forget the pleasure.

Remember why you had children." --Lois Wyse

How easy it is to forget the real purpose of what we do in the home each day. Yes, having an orderly and tidy dwelling helps create a feeling of calm and peace, letting the Spirit of the Lord be with us. But often times I focus mainly on how many tasks have gone undone. The list of chores overwhelms me quite a bit. More than quite a bit. I wake up a lot of mornings and think, " How on earth can I do everything I need to??!" But I am happy to be reassured by this quote from Lois Wyse that the most weighty concern I should have is this- am I enjoying my little ones? Do they know that I enjoy them? Or do they feel second place when it comes to my priorities? I hope Benjamin, Hannah and Max never look back on these years and remember their mother worrying more about an imaculate home than worrying about their feelings, interests and needs. ( I doubt they'll think about the imaculate part-- my home is rarely imaculate. Did I just type "rarely"? I meant never:)

Moms, let's strive a little less on having a kitchen floor you could eat off of and a little more on feeding the hearts and souls of these precious people Heavenly Father has loaned us! I'll try if you will.


  1. Heather! What a wonderful quote to live by! You couldn't have posted this at a better time for me to read. This is how I truely think that my 4 year old feels like especially now that we have Brynlee. I always think at night before falling asleep about how Hayden must feel. What a great reminder this is for me.


  2. Well said Heather. Thanks for putting things into perspective!

  3. Hi Heather! Thanks for visiting me at my blog! You look like you are off to a great start...that cake and this post about Motherhood!? Awesome!

    I'm following you now!!
