
A wedding cake I made Summer, 2009.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


In the words of Summer Wheatley," Well, I never thought I would make it here today." I have enjoyed many other people's blogs ever since I entered the cyber world. I didn't plan on having my own, though. I always supposed that keeping up a blog would require too much time, commitment, etc. But I have so many thoughts running through my mind all the time and so many fun things to share that I decided to take the plunge!
Even if no one reads this other than my husband, Chris, I think it will be fun to try something new. Hopefully we can have fun together.


  1. Welcome to blogger land!! Can't wait to see all the cute things you come up with!

  2. So excited to keep up with you!! BLOG ON!!

  3. Whoo hoo! That cake looks AMAZING! You are just way too talented!
