
A wedding cake I made Summer, 2009.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Don't you just love that?

A while ago my husband brought a book home called "Don't You Just Hate That? 738 Annoying Things" by Scott Cohen. It's full of silly things that bug us in our every day lives. For example:
1.Wondering if the appetizer you're sharing with a friend is being divided evenly?
84. Finding an old "To Do" list, most of which remains undone.
181.People who don't remove their Christmas decorations until March.
And so on.....
Chris and I had a fun time reading these late one night. But the next day I started thinking-how hard it would be on someone's mind to spend so much energy searching for the negative, the bad and the depressing? What a downer! In this "glass is half empty" world, we need to seek out the happy, the pleasing and the wonderful.
I decided to devote some posts here and there to things I find uplifting. Here goes:
Don't you just love...
When your child wakes up with a smile?
Spending a lot of effort on dinner for your family and everyone LOVES it?
Laughing really hard with a good friend?
Snuggling with your sweetheart?
Watching the glow on your kids' faces when they hold a sparkler?
I hope you will take some time today to find a few things that you love!
P.S. I don't know how to put a caption on the picture here yet. This is Ben and Hannah 2 years ago on the Fourth of July.


  1. By saying "snuggling with your sweet heart" She means me. Go us! Love you Heather!

  2. The kids look so little in this pic....they are growing up so fast!!
