
A wedding cake I made Summer, 2009.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

A Lucky Wife!

Chris and I have decided ,after a LOT of thought, to add one more to the Sayer family. It's an exciting and scary thing to bring another child into the world. We already have three precious little ones. Wouldn't one more mean extra expenses, chaos, noise, mess, responsibility, and so on? But we went with our feelings from the Spirit and said, "Let's go for it!"

My first two pregnancies ( Benjamin and Hannah) were smooth sailing! I almost wouldn't believe that I really was pregnant were it not for the starving feeling I'd get around 3:00 a.m. and the tell-tale growing stomach. I didn't have one minute of nausea. It was so dreamy!!!

When I was carring Max the queasy feelings started to hit about a month in. Nothing sounded good to eat. I was still ravenous, but if I'd eat I'd feel terrible. If I didn't eat, I'd feel hungry and terrible. I couldn't win. It's kind of hazy about how long that stage of morning ( more appropriately ALL DAY) sickness lasted. But it passed and things were pretty great afterward.

Here I am roughly 4 years later- pregnant again. It's so funny how you can forget the specifics of such a miserable time. I had hoped that this time I'd sail right through like I had before- no upset stomach continuously. But the last 4 weeks of my life have had me on the couch, walking around(when I absolutely had to) hunched over, and not eating anything but crackers and baked potatoes. Obviously the house didn't get the attention it used to. Nor did the children. What a blessing it was that all this took place during summer vacation!!!

Laundry and dishes piled up, kids didn't get the attention the were used to, and my guilt-o-meter reached new heights. This was the state of those weeks.

But here's the silver lining. My husband, Chris!! He was never impatient with me because I was no longer Happy Heather. He pitched in and did dishes. He cooked every meal with a smile. ( He does almost all of the cooking any way. I'm the baker.) He dressed the kids for church and even did a great job on Hannah's hair (good job, sweetie!). He provided peace and quiet so I could sleep. He bought me my favorite treats hoping I'd feel like eating. He just basically was AMAZING!!!

I knew he loved me before. I knew he was sweet and wonderful, and of course, VERY HOT! But when he served me so unselfishly I felt like the luckiest wife in the world!

Chris, you are the BEST! Thank you for everything you do. I love you!


  1. Awww! That is so sweet! Isn't it great to have such a wonderful husband like that? My hubby did some of the same things for me too when I was prego. I have to admit though, I don't miss being prego and feeling sick. Good luck. I hope the "morning" sickness passes soon!

  2. Congrats!! Im so excited for you both! And yes, you are one lucky Mama!!! That Chris sounds amazing!

  3. Heather, It was so great to see you the other day. I am so happy for you and your family. Babies are so fun!!! I love your blog. I am addicted to blogs too.

    I will keep reading.
