
A wedding cake I made Summer, 2009.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Random Max

ran.dom: (adj.)  having no specific pattern

This is Random Max .He is 4 years old. He asks questions that come out of nowhere. His mind is always wondering about anything and everything. Right in the middle of a family activity or during a conversation he and I are having, he will inquire about something that has nothing to do with anything going on at that moment.. His queeries make us laugh and giggle and keep our family extremely entertained! I thought you might enjoy a sampling of some "Random Maxes" along with some pictures of his adorably endearing face!

"Naked the RESCUE!!!"

"Mom, ummm, how uh-zackly do you pee?"

"Mom, why is it called lightning? It should be called dark-ning."

(while blowing in my hair) "Mom, blowing in your hair is the easiest way to see if there's something in your hair."

"Mom, how do we control our bodies?"

(feelling a textured wall in our living room) "Mom, why do our walls have these freckles?"

"Mom, when will the world turn upside down?"

Me: "Max, you need to stop hitting Ben and Hannah when you're mad at them." Random Max: "Mom, I'll really be nice and do what you say."

"Mom, my farts ticlke me."

"Mom, I'm a hobo football player who really likes girls!"

"Mom, we better teach Ruby some things before she breaks all our stuff!"

"Mom, did I have to get a needle when I was a baby?" Me: "You mean a shot?" Random Max: "Yeah. And do I still have the needle in me?"

"Mom, I was just playing basketball with my head."

(while watching me change Ruby's diaper) "WHAT? Mom, that looks like a dead animal in her diaper! A turkey, I think!"

"Mom, I used to think that Santa lived in heaven with Jesus."

"Mom, do cats have brains?"

"Mom, where are all the jails?"

"Mom, why do we even have to have noses?"

"I am Fish Man!!! Alive fish come out of my hands and destroy things!!"

Random Max: "Mom, are there any real buttons in our house?" Me: "What do you mean?" R.M.: "You know, the kind that you push and they lead you to a secret hideout."

"Mom, do you want to play basketball without a hoop?" Me: "How do you play that?" R.M.: "We both just hit this balloon and do cool moves!"

I reminded Max during the sacrament that it's a time we think about Jesus. He said: " Yeah, I already know that. Mom, I think about some T.V. shows, too."

"Mom, are there real professors who make inventions?" Me: "Yes." R.M.: "Then... where are they?"

"Mom, when I wear both of these hats at the same time it gives me extra powers!!"

(after seeing an older man on the news) " Mom, that man looked like he's half woman and half of a grandpa."

"Mom, what does Kermit's mom look like?"

(right when he woke up) "Mom, is today video game day?" Me: "No, honey, that's Friday." R.M.: "Well, I'll give you a candy if you let me play one video game." Me: "You don't have any candy left." R.M.: "I know. If you give me some then I can give one to you."

"Mom, what is a Jolly Rancher?" Me: "It's a type of candy." R.M.: "No, I mean the human kind."

"Mom, how do they get guys and women on T.V.?"

"Do sisters have germs?"

"Mom, it's not very good to squish babies."

"Is this sucker made out of dogs?"

Me(after asking Max to draw a picture of something he's thankful for) : "That's a great picture. What is it?" R.M.: " It's of a dog peeing?"

"Mom,  I think robots should have mommies and daddies and babies."

"Mom, little boys this age don't like flowers."

"Mom, did Jesus make mean animals?"

"Mom, you wouldn't be very glad if you didn't have a son like me!"

(after puking) "I think that muffin had a scrambled egg in it. It tasted gross!!"

"Yessssss! I just beated the level of awesomeness!!!!"

(right in the middle of family scripture study) "Mom, have people gone to outer space?"

"I saw a boy that looked like a girl. I saw the longness of his hair coming down."

"Mom, I think I'm getting a mustache. It just barely happened!"

"Mom, does Jesus know the 's' word?" (fyi: Random Max does NOT know the 's' word:)

"Mom, could you please stop singing that song? It's annoying!" Me: "It's not annoying. It's awesome!" R.M.: "It's not awesome when it's annoying!"

Life goes by so, SO quickly!! It seems like just yesterday the nurse at the hospital put Max in my arms! He's almost 5 now and will soon start kindergarten. I wish I could just freeze him at this age. Of course that can't happen.  I'm glad I started writing down the hilarious observations and musings of a funny boy called Random Max!


Friday, December 23, 2011

Gifts of Christmas

There is a myriad of choices when it comes to gift giving. This Christmas season I've been paying attention to the slogans of many retail stores: "Real joy, guaranteed." "Real gifts, real joy!" "One store carrys "must-haves for the whole family". Another has "perfect gifts for all occasions". "The magic of the holidays in one stop,"or " "The happiest holidays manufactured here."
The world would have us think that a worthy gift costs money, comes wrapped in glittery paper, and is the latest and greatest thing. But let's remember the greatest gifts ever given. THEY are the pattern for the way we should give to others.
Heavenly Father gave us his Only Begotten Son. Jesus Christ gave us his very life, he attoned for you and for me.
When someone gives you a gift, do you ever feel like the one you got for them doesn't compare? Or maybe you didn't even get them anything at all. Considering the supreme gifts that the Father and his Son bestowed upon us, what gift could we EVER give them that could possibly compare or repay them?
I think we already know the answer to that question!
Do you remember the lawyer who came to Jesus and tempted him? He asked, "Master, which is the greatest commandment in the law?" Jesus said unto him, "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it. Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself."(Matt 22:35)
After Jesus teaches the parable of the good samaratin, He asks all of us to "go thou and do likewise." (Luke 10:30) Doing likewise would mean that we would be more aware of what our neighbor is struggling with. And when we find out what our neighbor struggles with, we would try to lighten their load. We would love them as the Savior loves us.
"When ye are in the service of your fellow men, ye are only in the service of your God." (Mosiah 2:19)
The best gift we could ever give to others is to serve them and love them! By doing this, we will be giving the best gift of all to our Father in Heaven and our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Gordon B. Hinckley said it so beautifully in the Dec. 1983 Ensign,
"Christmas means giving. The Father gave his Son and the Son gave his life. Without giving there is no true Christmas, and without sacrifice there is no true worship."
I love my Father in Heaven! I love my Savior! I hope we can keep them in our hearts and our thoughts more this new year. Then we will be a little more like them and do what they would do if they were here on Earth.
Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Where Did Half a Year Go?

Finally, a quiet moment! All four kids are sleeping and the hot husband is hanging out with a friend (something he rarely does but totally needs). After I sang each child their own lullaby, I found myself wondering, "What the heck am I going to do now?" Of course I have a list a mile long of what I SHOULD be doing. But I needed to check something online quickly and I remembered that it has been half a year since I posted something on this blog.
Here's a little something about the family right now:
-Ruby can now sit up by herself! Her contageous smile makes everyone around her happy.
-Max is totally weirding me out with all of the random and very deep questions he asks me.
-Hannah is reading so much better. (She had some struggles last year.)
-Ben is crazy about reading the comics that come in the Sunday paper as soon as he wakes up.
-Chris is the 1st counselor in our ward's bishopric. He is still extremely good looking.
-I am reading the Book of Mormon more. I am a Relief Society teacher and the Cub Scout Master.
Life is so good. I have been given so much. I hope I can show my Heavenly Father that I appreciate what He does for me.
I can't wait for Thanksgiving! We are having it at our house this year for the Sayer side of the family. I'm looking forward to enjoying a huge helping of my mom's special stuffing! I hope you all have a wonderful holiday with your families!