
A wedding cake I made Summer, 2009.

Monday, September 27, 2010

If you're ever in a jam, here I am.....

I'm aware that of all the very few posts I've put on this blog, none have actually been about cake. They've been about "other things I love" as I mention in the description. If anyone is annoyed by this, sorry. There have been many more 'things I love' going on than 'cake' things since I've been pregnant. I just haven't had the energy or the occasion to make them lately.

Having said that, I want to tell you about a kindness that was given to my daughter Hannah and me today.

I had a prenatal visit this morning in Riverton. I live in Magna- so it's not just a 'hop in your car and be there in five minutes' drive. While I was in the reception area I decided to check my cell phone for any missed calls. There was one from Hannah's school. Yikes, usually a call from your child's school isn't good news. I listened as my sweet 6-year-old, bravely trying not to cry, told me she'd had an accident and needed new pants and underwear. My heart was broken. I wasn't just five minutes away and the message was already 15 minutes old.

I called the office and told them I'd see if a neighbor could run some clothes over to her. Then I asked the secretary, "And could you please tell her I love her?"

I phoned one of my wonderful friends, Holly, and explained the sad tale. She didn't even hesitate when I asked for her help. I even found out that she's brought three pairs of shorts for Hannah to chose from. Holly also comforted Hannah by telling her the same thing happened to her when she was in first grade. What a thoughtful and go-the-extra-mile friend!!

When I thanked Holly later, she insisted that it wasn't a big deal. So humble. The big deal was that I was far away from being able to help my daughter. That I felt horrible not being able to comfort her in an embarassing moment. The big deal was that Holly didn't make me feel like it was putting her out or messing up her day. The big deal was that she was my angel!

This sweet friend and others I have the blessing of having are my angels every day. They spend a few minutes chatting even when they have other things to do. They listen when I've had a terrible day (according to a pregnant lady). A bushel of other services I can't list have been performed for me. Friends are the icing on the yummy cup cake that is my life (wow, that was EXTRA corny, even for me).

Holly, thank you a million times! I love you!


  1. Oh Heather, you did make me cry! It is like I told you yesterday I know you would do the same thing for me. In fact you have more times than I can count. I am grateful that we have each other to rely on. Raising kids is a busy job, sometimes there are things we just can't do alone. I am glad you felt like you could call me and I hope that you will anytime you need an extra hand. I love you too!

  2. what a sweet story! it makes you appreciate all those small 'tender mercies' we are given every day! i don't know holly, but i have my own 'holly's' in my own life that i am truly grateful for. AND not even knowing holly, your sharing this story, inspires me to say 'thank you holly, for being there!"
