
A wedding cake I made Summer, 2009.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Happy With What I Have!

This world has a tricky way of making me feel like what I have isn't good enough. Even when what I have is better than what I used to have. I'm pretty sure everyone can relate.

Ben has a friend that lives in a neighborhood not so close to ours. He and this friend wanted to hang out. We drove to his pal's house so I could meet the mom. When I pulled into the drive way, my thoughts were, "Woooow! What a beautiful home!" When I walked in, my thoughts were, "How big!! How fancy! I would LOVE to live in a home like this!"

The mom and I sat and chatted for a little bit, but I was so distracted by the grandeur of this dwelling that I had a hard time concentrating. That night I day dreamed about living in a larger, more expensive house. (All the time the voice in the back of my head was saying, " You have SO much already.") I knew that was true, but I wanted to fantasize for just a little bit about a different kind of life.

Then I came back to reality and realized, maybe not realized as much as remembered, that I am more than blessed. Chris and I started out in an appartment where no matter which room you were in, the other could always see and hear you. Still, I was greatful that we had our OWN place, no matter the size. Later, we moved to our first home. The basement was 0% finished so we just had an small upstairs. But I was delighted for the extra space!! Now we live in a home that's bigger. So many things are better about it than the old one. I remember how excited I was to move here!!!

But here I am, wishing for even better things. Why can't I be always thankful for that greatness Heavenly Father has given me? I am going to try to be better about this tricky trap we all fall into every once in a while. I am starting by making what I have the BEST it can be. I want to remember more often that the home we live in allows me to stay home with my children!! I couldn't do that in something gigantic. I think I'll continue talking with the kids about how lucky we are to be in a home. To have a roof, beds, and all of the extra things that make life so comfortable!

I believe gratitude in a concious decision we make! I am happy I could visit that lovely house so I could learn a lesson of being humble and greatful.

1 comment:

  1. I have experienced everything you said and you are so right!! Thanks for the reminder once again how thankful and fortunate we really are!
